Dr. Elaine Spain – Lead Researcher and Co-Inventor of SepTec, National Centre for Sensor Research, Dublin City University

    • Dr. Elaine Spain – Lead Researcher and Co-Inventor of SepTec, National Centre for Sensor Research, Dublin City University's presentations

    Dr. Elaine Spain is currently the lead researcher/Co-Founder of SepTec at the National Centre for Sensor Research, Dublin City University. Elaine and the SepTec team are currently driving the development and commercialization of SepTec, the next generation sepsis detection device that is capable of rapidly detecting sepsis related pathogens in whole blood within 15 minutes.


    Title: SepTec: Addressing the need for rapid and accurate diagnosis of septic pathogens and sub-pathogens

    Sysnopsis: This talk summaries SepTec significant strides towards addressing the vital need for rapid, accurate sepsis diagnosis.

    Sepsis is the body’s life-threatening immune response to the presence of bacteria in the blood or other infection and can claim lives within hours. Sepsis remains the dominant challenge in the care of critically ill patients.  In 2016, approximately 30 million people globally had sepsis causing more than 6 million deaths.  The current approach to the treatment of sepsis can result in the administration of expensive and often toxic therapies that can worsen a patient’s condition or fail to rapidly treat their sepsis. In addition, the overuse of ineffective or unnecessary, antimicrobial therapy is driving the spread of antimicrobial resistant pathogens.


    Therefore, eliminating the requirement for lengthy sample enrichment, rapid tests like SepTec that can quickly identify sepsis could help to more effectively treat patients, improving patient mortality rates, while reducing the length of hospital stays and the complexity of patient care, which in turn would reduce healthcare costs.



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